Regional Round-up is a monthly newsletter providing an overview into the environmental and business conditions affecting farmers and rural businesses in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.
Speculation continues about Murray Goulburn in the wake of overseas interest from a China-based organisation.
The global forecast for the dairy industry remains weak with world markets expected to be oversupplied for the first half of 2018 by both the EU and US whilst the uncertainty in the local market continues.
The high rainfall event of the first three days of December had varying impact upon crops, dependent upon crop maturity status. Canola largely escaped impact, however some harvest losses due to shatter occurred following the rain. The central NE Vic region are expecting unharvested cereal crops to be downgraded at minimum and very likely shot/sprung. Eastern NE Vic cereal crops may be less impacted with quality downgrading, dependent on weather patterns across the coming weeks.
The rains of November and a very wet start to summer has helped to keep prices static. The overall reduction in prices over the past 6 months has also given some confidence to traders and fatteners to be able to buy, fatten and achieve a realistic margin.
Stone fruit crops have suffered damage from heavy rains. Initial enquiries with producers revealed most have experienced some damage with fruit (mainly apricots) being harvested at the moment. Damage to other fruit will be more identifiable as crops mature.
Murray irrigation water remains just under 10% more valuable than the Goulburn system.
Central Goulburn
HRWS $2,850 - $2,950/ML
LRWS $300 - $350/ML
Temporary Trade $75 - $80/ML
Murray Zone
HRWS $3,250 - $3,500/ML
LRWS $300 - $350/ML
Temporary Trade $110 - $130/ML