Regional Round-up is a monthly newsletter providing an overview into the environmental and business conditions affecting farmers and rural businesses in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.
RFCs have been busy preparing cash flow projections based on the new financial year milk price. Murray Goulburn reviewed their opening price from the previously announced $4.70 to $5.20kgms.
This was welcome news for many Murray Goulburn suppliers yet did little to rebuild confidence in the milk processor’s new board and management. One RFC reported farm gate price for MG suppliers ranged from $4.42 to $5.30kgms depending on the farm operation, size and calving patterns.
RFCs reported a number of farmers are advancing plans to exit the industry sighting prices and low confidence in milk companies as the leading cause.
This June was the driest June on record for large parts of Southern Australia and as expected crops are showing signs of moisture stress. The availability of soil moisture for crops is mixed across the area however there seems to be a growing consensus from croppers rain is needed.
Wheat price is rising as a result of the US drought. Lamb and wool prices continue at high levels.
Pruning activities are well underway.
Pasture availability is ok for beef producers in the north east however rain in needed soon. The dry weather has played a part in this month’s beef price drop however prices remain above historical averages.
The 2017/18 seasonal determination for the Murray system is 66% the Goulburn and Loddon systems both start with 36%. Campaspe 100% and Broken 1%. (Source: GMW website).