Milk prices from all local companies have dropped from the previous financial year. Good rains have seen an increase in confidence and availability of allocation seems assured and water prices are starting below last year however this may be a negative as some farmers are taking this as a reason to continue in spite of mounting debt.
On farm wet weather is making conditions difficult with muddy yards and tracks and wet paddocks and a detrimental effect upon milk quality.
Consistent rains across the North East have resulted in the best winter for many years. Sheep producers generally are very positive about the upcoming spring, coupled with very good stock prices.
Across the service area crops are looking great and growers are hopeful the falling price will be offset by the expected increase in yield.
Lamb meat and wool have again increased for the month to be at almost record levels and it is expected this will ensure most broad acre farmers will have a profitable year despite the grain prices
Rainfall for July was above average and is likely to remain wet for August and September.
With the strong seasonal conditions an absolute abundance of pasture once warmer spring weather begins is anticipated.
Prices again continue to increase with no letup in sight. EYCI has now broken through 700c an all-time record. Demand has been driven mainly by local restockers but with a tight supply of cattle in the north there is a presence of NSW and Qld buyers in local markets.
Good inflows were recorded in July.
Storage levels in Lake Eildon are at 47% against 58% last year.
Lake Hume is holding 64% (against 37% LY)
Dartmouth 53% (against 72%LY). source - GMW website.