Regional Round-up is a monthly newsletter providing an overview into the environmental and business conditions affecting farmers and rural businesses in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.
Weather Conditions
Some more frequent monthly rainfall certainly lifted farmer spirits for the autumn break and hopes of a more normal seasonal rainfall and conditions.Dairy
Recent rain has increased optimism for a good season ahead, and has allowed some farmers to plan autumn sowing and spreading. The demand for fodder has reduced markedly, with paddocks greening up and hope of a good autumn ahead. The temporary water price has dropped markedly, however even at $400/ML, it is uneconomic for watering pastures.The farm gate milk price is currently solid, however the longer term outlook is not at the moment. This forecast milk price has been seen to change pretty quickly though, as global forces act.
The COVID-19 impact on dairy farms appears to be minimal, except that glyphosate has been difficult to source for some farmers, and finding transport can also be challenging.
The early autumn break has been very welcomed by croppers, as this has topped up the soil moisture profile in most areas. A follow on large emergence of summer weeds has resulted, and therefore farmers have been busy spraying paddocks.Input prices will be on higher side and RFCs have heard reports of panic buying of fertiliser. However there has been a helpful drop in the price of diesel.
The traditional hot March of recent years did not materialise and pastures have responded very well to the widespread and significant rainfall in many areas. The high rainfall totals close to foothills has been very welcome, creating the best autumn break for years, with sufficient dry feed for current needs. The prices for sheep are still looking very good. So there is significant optimism for coming season.
Many grape growers have had their grapes affected by smoke taint from the bushfires and will have little to no produce as a result. The RFCS has been assisting a number of viticulturists accessing grants to help them recover from losses caused by the smoke.
The beef price continues to be high for quality stock. RFCs have reported that graziers are concerned about saleyards being closed due to COVID-19.
The allocations for the Murray and Goulburn systems are 66% and 80% respectively. Currently the systems are tracking on dry to below average conditions.