Regional Round-up is a monthly newsletter providing an overview into the environmental and business conditions affecting farmers and rural businesses in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.
Communities across the Upper Murray and north east valleys are in various stages of the “recovery process” following the extensive fires and localised flash flooding that occurred during January and February.
RFCs have been supporting enquiries from individuals looking for support and assistance with the various grants and other financial assistance measures available to the fire affected communities. The $75,000 Bushfire Recovery Grant for farmers whose property was burnt has been extended to include grape growers who were not directly impacted by fire, but have had their grapes tested and deemed to be affected by smoke taint.
Recent widespread rainfall has reduced pressure for many and lifted confidence. The rain has also reduced general demand for fodder and therefore fodder prices have dropped, which is helping cash flows.Those who own their own water generally appear to be more positive about the coming season and some are looking at expanding their businesses. There are dairy farmers still seeking support/guidance on investigating options for the future. Options vary from exit, ways to increase on-farm cash flow, and in some cases buying more land to increase number of milkers.
Dairies with higher levels of debt are struggling to obtain additional finance from the big banks. This has been seen to hamper short term plans to invest in necessary inputs such as seed, fertiliser and the purchase of cows.
February rainfall has helped improve soil moisture in many areas, however has also caused emergence of summer weeds which need to be dealt with soon.Sheep
Lambs continue to return high prices on quality stock.
Many grape growers have had their grapes affected by smoke taint.
Cattle prices remain very good, believed to be caused by restocking in other areas of the country. This is allowing farmers to compete with high input costs such as fodder. The February rainfall events have provided much relief for many areas, particularly close to the hills. Some areas received excellent falls and dams have been filled and emergence of summer grasses have provided a good green pick for sheep and cattle.
Hill areas with high stocking rates and little ground cover have experience considerable erosion in many areas as a result of February rainfall. These areas will take a lot longer to recover and provide good pasture growth.
The Goulburn system continues to track at average to dry and estimated allocation will be around 75%.