Regional Round-up is a monthly newsletter providing an overview into the environmental and business conditions affecting farmers and rural businesses in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.
RFCs continue to report dairy farming clients who are considering selling the farm, changing enterprises or mothballing operations. Others are selling temporary water to fund fodder. Milk production is at a 20 year low, driven by seasonal conditions, reduced herd size and high input costs (Ref: Rural Bank - Australian agriculture mid-year outlook 2019).Even though milk prices are encouraging, the high input costs and large amounts of debt incurred last season are causing dairy farming clients to still consider exiting the industry. For a number of clients, this year is very much about containment of expenses.
Good rainfall and relatively warmer temperatures in the north east upper catchments has replenished farm dams and resulted in some good pasture growth for this time of year. Other areas in the region are somewhat mixed, with limited soil moisture depth.Many crops are looking in very good condition for this time of year. Rainfall over the next couple of months and into spring will decide whether grain is harvested or crops are cut for hay.
RFCs continue to report the increasing numbers of sheep grazing irrigated pasture. The price for sheep is very buoyant at the moment, with lamb trading in the range from 800 to 900c/kg cwt and mutton 550 to 600c/kg cwt.Trade uncertainty for wool means that prices are still declining.
Cattle prices remain positive, with chopper prices of $1,000 giving dairy farmers the ability to restock with in calf animals at close to 1 to 1, a big improvement from last year. Some farmers are still contending with high fodder prices but there are some areas with good pasture. RFS have observed cattle on good pasture, which is encouraging. The availability and price of irrigation water price is likely to remain a challenge this season.Horticulture
Rural Bank is forecasting growth in exports, underpinned by demand in China.Irrigation
Goulburn-Murray Water reports: “The catchments are responding well to the rainfall we have had, however more rain is required to maintain flows into the storages and help increase seasonal determinations. The latest Bureau of Meteorology seasonal outlook indicates below-average rainfall across all of northern Victoria is more likely during the August to October period.”