Regional Round-up is a monthly newsletter providing an overview into the environmental and business conditions affecting farmers and rural businesses in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.
The late-April rainfall event was very welcome. Rainfall in the foothills and valleys in the North East saw over 20 mm in most of these areas. Even so, this rainfall was sporadic with high falls in some areas and very low in others. A few parts of the Alpine, Wangaratta and Towong areas received substantial and timely falls. The dominating opinion is that further substantial rain in May is required for crops to thrive given the very dry start to the year and lack of subsoil moisture.
Autumn calving is underway. Spring calving cows are being dried off earlier than normal meaning extra pasture feed will be available to feed cows in early lactation. The cost of hay remains challenging as dairy farmers review their winter feed requirements.
Recent rainfall has been enough to germinate dry-sown crops. A very dry existing subsoil will most certainly require follow-up rain.
Wheat: Steady at $365-$375 per tonne
Canola meal: Steady at $440-$450 per tonne
Lucerne Hay: Up on last month, now trading at $550-$570 per tonne
Corn stubble: $170 per tonne – minimal nutritional value
Sheep and Beef
Sheep and beef producers continue to face challenging times with higher fodder costs and limited paddock feed. Some anticipate the recent rain will help to ease the level of hand feeding activity.