
What we do

Rural Financial Counselling Services are:

  • Free, independent and confidential
  • Staffed by qualified and experienced Rural Financial Counsellors (RFCs) who understand farming and business – our RFCs are required to have a Diploma of Financial Counselling as minimum qualification, and have years of experience in assisting farming businesses
  • For primary producers of livestock, milk, honey, fruit, crops, wool, meat, vegetables, eggs, fish, plants, trees and logs
  • For small businesses who mainly support primary production such as: fencing, shearing sheep, controlling weeds or agricultural pests, managing stock, planting crops etc.
  • Able to assist farm or small agribusinesses experiencing or at risk of financial hardship
  • Able to come to your place of business or you can come and see us.

Assistance when

Rural Financial Counselling Services can assist businesses affected by:

  • Drought/water issues
  • Low commodity prices
  • Natural disasters
  • Structural adjustment
  • Industry downturns
  • Low equity/tight cash flow
  • Difficulties with lenders or access to finance
  • Unpaid creditors/debtors
  • Market disruptions
  • Changes in personal circumstances
  • Farm accidents or illness
  • Share farming/succession agreements/ contracts.

How can we help you

Rural Financial Counselling Services can help you:

  • Understand your financial position and the viability of your enterprise
  • Identify options to improve your financial position
  • Develop a plan to implement your chosen options, and implement that plan
  • Provide information, referrals, and support to access, government or industry grants and programs
  • Assist you to deal (whether through meetings or otherwise) with lending institutions in relation to:
    • Applications and contracts with those institutions; and
    • Processes relating to farm debt mediation
  • Assist you to identify the need for advice from professional service providers, and provide support with preparation for meetings with professional service providers.


NE Regional Soil Health Conference

NECMA conference

North East Regional Soil Health Conference - 14 May 2021 at Beechworth is for ALL land managers, agriculture industry groups and soil health service providers in North East Victoria.
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Farm Finance getting prepared 2021 Webinar

Farm Finance

The team at the Young Farmer Business Network have put together a series of sessions designed to build skills in financial planning and business resilience for your farm business.
Read more ...
blog rru
Regional Round-up is a monthly newsletter providing an overview into the environmental and business conditions affecting farmers and rural businesses in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.


High feed and water costs combined with poor climate predictions for spring has seen an increase in destocking. Prices for milkers and choppers are low due to market saturation levels. Milk production is reasonable for the current season however milk prices have opened slightly lower than expected for the major companies.


Dry sow canola in northeast Vic/southern NSW has failed. Other cereals in the area are approximately thirty percent less than last year. In some areas however, cereals have germinated well.
Some crops will be converted into hay given there is still a strong demand for hay amid dwindling supply. Overall yield for the season is expected to be below average. Much of this can be attributed to poor climate conditions.
A fodder and stock transport subsidy has been announced for NSW which has been back-dated to 1 January 2018.


Wool and fat lamb prices continue to be strong although the increased prices are reportedly now steering consumers toward alternative meat sources.
Records continue to tumble as wool prices continue to rise. A shortage of lamb has pushed lamb prices to the very high range.
Some NSW lambs sold into Bendigo saleyards where prices remain strong.
Fodder prices remain a concern for sheep farmers and supplementary feeding continues as dry conditions persist.


Cattle continue to be sold as prices stall in response to difficult conditions. Sales of destocking unfinished cattle emerged in response to a projected poor spring. Prices are falling locally with some buyers not being present at all markets. Larger numbers of export cattle were presented locally, the majority being cows.


The Victorian state government announced $709,920 to Moira Shire Council to fund the continued delivery of the Goulburn Murray Valley Regional Fruit Fly Action Plan. The grant will increase awareness of best practice through advertising, community and grower workshops, working directly with a number of service clubs to support community action and create fruit fly signage for roadsides.
The program will fund voluntary removal of host trees in urban areas, public lands and unmanaged orchards. Field officers will also be funded to identify causes of fruit fly hot spots and work with landholders to manage the problem with additional trapping to help provide a clearer picture of the fruit fly population in key areas.


Cental Goulburn         June                               July
HRWS                         $3,300/ML                 $3,400-$3,500/ML
LRWS                        $450-$500/ML                $450-$500/ML
Temporary trade     $170-$200/ML                $290-$310/ML

The notion of a “green drought” is gaining traction and many farmers have commenced destocking plans.
There has been no rainfall run-off so far across winter. Notably, the last six months has seen below average rainfall across the eastern states. Water and hay prices continue to climb.

Service Area Map

rfcs vic ne region map

Local Government Areas

The RFCS VIC-NE Region includes the following Local Government Areas;

  • Alpine
  • Benalla
  • Campaspe
  • Greater Shepparton
  • Indigo
  • Mansfield
  • Mitchell
  • Moira
  • Murrindindi
  • Strathbogie
  • Towong
  • Wangaratta
  • Whittlesea
  • Wodonga

Call 1300 834 775 to find out what assistance we may be able to provide you, or make an appointment with one of our experienced Rural Financial Counsellors.

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Contact Us

Rural Financial Counselling Service Victoria - North East.

102 Hume Street

Wodonga VIC 3689

PHONE: 1300 834 775


FAX: (02) 6100 6123