The Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) launched on 1 July and offers new low-interest farm loans directly to farm businesses.
These new loans will help farmers who want to access Australian and international markets. Loans are also available to support farmers prepare for, and prevail through, times of drought.
These loans will be easy to access through a consistent assessment process, which means that each farmer will be treated the same regardless of where they live.
More Australian farm businesses will be eligible for low-interest loans than ever before. Farmers will also have more flexibility in how they use a RIC loan compared to previous schemes.
As well as farm business and drought loans, the RIC will administer the $2 billion National Water Infrastructure Loan Facility, providing finance for state and territory governments for priority water infrastructure projects.
Visit for more information, guidelines and application forms or call 1800 875 675 (8:30am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday local time) to speak to someone in the loans team.