Farm Household Allowance (FHA) income support has been extended from three years to four years. This extension takes effect on 1 August 2018.
For people who have previously received three years of entitlement the Department of Human Services (DHS) has simplified claiming for the additional year of payment. As part of this process, DHS staff will work to ensure that people won’t need to resupply information wherever possible. In most cases, this existing information can be confirmed verbally. If there are changes to a person’s circumstances, then updated documentation may need to be provided.
This assessment process is only available to people who have previously received three years of entitlement and are claiming the additional year of payment. The existing claim process will apply to new claimants or people returning to payment for any other reasons.
If you have previously been on the Farm Household Allowance and you wish to claim an additional year, it is recommended that you make an on-line claim as your details will be pre-populated.
For further information call the Farmer's Assistance Hotline 132 316 or follow the link: